I'm sure by now, pretty much everyone in this country knows of the current crisis which have rendered our capital in complete distress. Several thousand individuals whom claimed to be representing the people, have decided to rally a protest in the nations capital in hopes to spread their voice of a regime change with the current ruling party. I must admit i've turn a blind eye and have chosen to avoid whenever the issue of politics comes to light, but its not because I'm ignorant to the cause, its because i hardly see any difference it would make in the end game.
Politicians will be politicians, regardless of which party, race, background they come from. Once they've achieve a level of authority, they will forever want it in their grasp. The only discerning difference is, that one is full and the other is hungry. This is not a statement of where my loyalties lie, i hate the current regime as much as the next guy, I'm just try to see the bigger picture as to what the said 100,000 or so imagine themselves seeing after a regime change comes. I've always been the type of person who have been condition to actually do something for the end game, a result that is binding, a plan full and well thought of. The way I see it, the candidate lined up for replacement shows no better promise than letting a child run the parliament. Show me a true leader and i will march with you till changes come, fail to do so then we may as well just stay home and enjoy whatever peace we can get.
Please don't confuse or delusion yourself into thinking that your action is like a plot from a hollywood movie. This not V for Vendetta, and I'll have you know that Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up parliament and the current monarchy to replace it with a far crazier one. Your support is misguided and truly misinformed. During Mahathir's rule we the people complained and rallied and voiced out against his so-called tyranny, until we realized how much bigger of a nuisance his successor was to us. And then again we repeated the same pointless things to end up with the current premier. Nothing has changed, frankly I believe nothing will, not until we the people can/have agreed unanimously to elect a leader/ruling party without doubt and strife. On that day, maybe change will come, maybe we can make a difference.
As an ending note, I implore you to review the events of recent from other nations, the middle east being in particular. What have they achieved? more suffering, more political unrest, a weakened nation for the taking of others. The same tragedy can befall this great nation, there will be blood in the water and the sharks will come. Yes, we must stand united, but at the moment we are not, and even those marching tomorrow are not. Do not ask for change when you do not know what the changes are, and especially when you do not have the solution.