, and it isn't got anything to do with work either despite all those bug me to death.
No, it's because of one thing and one thing only, the Rotax Max Calendar is officially over for the year 2008. as far as i stand, the year has ended. fuck the remaining months, there's nothing else to look-up forward to, asides Christmas at the Palencias'.
The tiny ray of hope which is keeping me alive, is my current squeeze. she's brawny, she loud and she's loves to be ridden hard and long all day & night. She's a black widow in some sense. She'd kill me the second i put a foot wrong. But she knows i can't resist, i keep coming back for more, for i am a nymph in the sense.
Is that a CBR400? We need to go riding. Call me.
urm hey snarkie..
its a cb1000 actually..
its not officially mine yet..
however i was given custody to care for it by a certain family member..
up until i buy it off him or till i find a good condition FZ6, whichever comes 1st..
riding it is then.. do leave details here: hairvl_anwar@hotmail.com
OK, I was wondering why the tank was so freaking huge. Hence my "?"
Will give you a heads up when 1. I have some free time, 2. The bike comes out of the shop.
And I promise I won't bring the Silver Lady.
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